Caroline Dero


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I am an innovative SME manager. Able to quickly grasp the technological stakes of a project (e.g. digital), I coordinate with ease commercial, technical (IT engineers in particular) and creative (DA, product manager, journalists, etc.) teams to bring the best of the three worlds to collaborate effectively.

I created viaFrance and viaEuropa, companies that I developed over 18 years in France, then internationally. I raised funds, developed the product offering, the client portfolio and participated in the design of the platform for aggregating and distributing content in real time on all media (web, mobile, print, etc.). I enriched the recurring revenue offer so that it represents 80% of the company's revenue. Focused on permanently combining quality and economic performance (efficiency), I worked hard with my associates and collaborators to put in place rigorous, documented and monitored processes that allowed us to obtain an lean, effective and easy to manage organization. I had to manage shareholder relations that were sometimes strained by personal issues that were incompatible with the proper running of the company. Today, this experience gives me a certain calmness when faced with complex and legally problematic situations, combined with a capacity for rapid decision-making that is useful in times of adversity. 




Passionate about social, educational and environmental issues, Caroline applies positive pedagogy techniques to both her children and her partners. She has observed the quality of the trusting relationships that these methods allow to be established and the results that can be obtained.

Caroline Dero - Version française